Cosmetic Surgery Compensation Claims

Cosmetic surgery claims have increased alongside the overall rise in popularity of aesthetic surgical procedures in the UK.

Most cosmetic surgeons are highly skilled in carrying out operations but there are times when mistakes happen before, during or after surgery because of poor care given by a medical practitioner. If your plastic surgery procedure has failed due to a third party then it can have a negative effect, both physically and psychologically and there may be an avenue to pursue a cosmetic surgery claim.

Types of cosmetic surgery claims

Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the most common types of claims in this area:

  • Tummy tuck claims (abdominaloplasty)
  • Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)
  • Breast augmentation and reduction claims (mammoplasty)
  • Lip enhancement claims
  • Facelift claims (rhytidectomy)
  • Chin augmentation claims
  • Liposuction claims
  • Eyelid surgery claims
  • Ear surgery claims (otoplasty)
  • Claiming compensation following your procedure

Making the decision to have plastic surgery usually takes a lot of deliberation and thought, not to mention the finance involved. People choose to have the surgery because they want to improve their appearance and enhance their quality of life. For a procedure then to go wrong and put you in a position where you are worse off than when you started can be devastating for some patients. Cosmetic surgery claims aim to compensate as much as possible for the quality of life removed.

Your cosmetic surgery will have to have taken place within the last 3 years (in most cases) and you will need to be able to prove that there was negligence on behalf of another party. The level of pain and suffering you have experienced will form a large part of any settlement fee and there will also be the opportunity to claim for medical expenses you have had to pay for relating to your surgery. If you have not been able to work because of your injury then it is possible to factor in any loss of earnings in your compensation claim.

Getting help with your cosmetic surgery claim

Many personal injury solicitors work with people pursuing cosmetic surgery claims every day and a good personal injury team should be fully conversant with all aspects of the law relating to medical negligence. You should endeavour to choose a team of lawyers who have dealt with a range of cases historically which relate to cosmetic surgery and medical negligence compensation claims.

In the first instance, contact a reputable personal injury lawyer. It's always a good idea to browse through various legal firm's websites to check for case studies which are similar in nature to the types of injuries you have suffered. In this way, you will get an idea of how that particular legal team work.

Once you've carried out your initial research, make an enquiry to that injury law firm and provide them with as much information as possible to ensure that they have a good deal of detail to work on. In this way, they should be able to give you an idea of whether they believe that you have cause to make a claim for compensation for negligence following your cosmetic surgery.

1 comment:

  1. the moral lesson about this is, be contented of what you have, the most important thing is what's within you..but if you happen to have a cosmetic surgery negligence, it is totally advisable to claim for compensation from the damages incurred to you..
